Using Decades Of Legal Experience
To Protect Your Interests

Sex Offenses

Richmond Sex Offenses Lawyer

A sex offense conviction will change your life. Jacqueline Reiner regularly represents clients accused of rape, sodomy, and aggravated sexual battery. She is accustomed to defending against allegations of statutory and marital rape, abduction, carnal knowledge, indecent liberties, and domestic and other misdemeanor and felony assaults. Many offenses involve mandatory minimums and possible life in the penitentiary. Most convictions require sex offender registry obligations which leads to future exposure to additional felonies. If you are fighting against a sex offense – You are fighting for your life. Jacqueline Reiner takes each and every case that seriously and is ready to stand between you and your accuser.

Sexually Violent Predator Civil Commitment

Following completion of a sentence for a sexually violent offense, the Government will often move the courts to have an offender involuntarily committed to a sex offender hospital for an indeterminate period of time. When a convicted person should go home – He may himself continuously incarcerated at a sex offender hospital and then, if ever released, on stringent probation which includes GPS monitoring. If you find yourself subjected to a sexually violent predator civil commitment proceeding – Jacqueline Reiner’s extensive experience will work for your benefit.